August 2024.  New York, NY.  MFA has a standing Thursday evening Demonstration against Mount Sinai West on 58th Street and 10th Avenue at 7pm.  (Many come late, but you are urged to be punctual!).

We all thought that the worst was to come down the pike:  Rule 2.13 which would make it so that the Commissioner of Health could quarantine anyone, anywhere, for as long as “they” see fit ON THE SUSPICION OF DISEASE.  But, it turns out, that hospitals can imprison without the need to resort to Rule 2.13!  It turns out that hospitals have had the capabilities to imprison and/or kidnap patients for years and the “covid-hysteria” emboldened them further.

Hospitals can and do imprison patients against their will, and they violate their own Patients’ Bill of Rights to do so.

The patients then have a “patient care associate”, which is just like a prison GUARD, stationed outside their hospital room to prevent the patient from leaving.    The situation is worse than a prison, because in a prison an inmate normally can have an hour or so of “yard”, access to outside, but in a hospital, this doesn’t happen.

How is all of the going on?  Does it sound too unbelievable that hospitals would imprison patients against their will? Not when you take a discerning eye towards the machinations of the hospital.  They want to make money, they want profit.  And what drives profit?  One big money maker is the patient’s INSURANCE, of course.  And be especially careful if you are over 65 years old because….

For a NY hospital, Medicare will pay for an up to 60 day hospital stay.  And nearly every New Yorker over 65 has Medicare.  So, if an elderly patient wants to go home, the hospital automatons know that a little “tweaking” of the diagnostic codes, a little misrepresentation of how the patient is truly “presenting”, and they can place a “mental health” hold of some sort, and NOT even have to resort to placing the patient in a designated “psych ward”.

And, in this way, an elderly patient can be held for months against his/her will.  This situation can become particularly alarming when the patient doesn’t have assertive family members who are willing to speak up against the hospital bullying.  And you might think you are safe if you have a Health Care Proxy Form.  But no… hospitals will assert “discretion” over Health Care Proxy Forms, meaning they can choose not to honor it, so their little money maker (that is, THE PATIENT) has to remain.

This can all happen while any of the belongings you came into the hospital with are confiscated in the hospital “security” office and your cell phone is taken away so you have no access to the outside world.

Think the hospital administration will help?!  NO! Of course not.  It’s corruption and the administration as well as nearly all the employees are either too complicit or too scared to do anything.  The other Photo in this Post is of Dmitry Pikman, who is a Hospital Administrator at Mount Sinai West who actually called the NYPD when loved ones tried to help an imprisoned patient.  And the NYPD must be on speed dial with Mount Sinai West, because they arrived within minutes.

The so-called “vaccines” and their surrounding nonsensical narrative about social distancing and everything else was always leading up to this:  the deputization of the hospitals and medical establishment, to increase their capabilities to imprison people against their will and have medical procedures performed against them without their consent.

This is truly a silent epidemic on the rise in The United States. Even hundreds of Mount Sinai’s own nurses demonstrated in 2023 for better patient care.  Recently, Mount Sinai has been exposed for operating on peoples’ BRAINS without consent.  And, throughout the U.S., there has been an uptick in the Medical Kidnapping of our children.  The Netflix movie entitled Take Care of Maya (trailer Linked below) documents one such case.

Our friend, Garrett Ramirez, also wrote about the Medical Kidnapping at Mount Sinai in his Substack article Linked here:

Trailer for Netflix Take Care of Maya documentary about Medical Kidnapping Linked here:

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