So, why am I wearing this white lab coat? I’m a former conventional health care worker, and this is what I wore then, but, more than that, I am wearing it sort of as a prop to get people to examine their reflexive thoughts. MANY people feel intimidated when they see someone wear one of these. I haven’t worn it in years, but, when I placed it on, I DID feel like I had some power, which surprised me. And that was just my first response, but then I examined it.

Many people feel a sense of anxiety or tension upon seeing a white lab coat. There’s even a name for it….white coat hypertension or white coat syndrome. So, I am wearing it today so that we all get an opportunity to see what comes up for us, what reactions we might have. So, and I hope this doesn’t happen…but the next time you see a white lab coat it won’t be me wearing it, but a medical employee. And this is your chance to examine your responses to it before being in a medical situation. Maybe some of you have no response or even an angry one.

My conventional educational background is in Heath Science. I graduated from Hunter, summa cum laude and I disliked nearly every minute of it, but did well anyway because I didn’t want any complaints I had to be mistakenly attributed to doing poor academically. I am familiar, from both school and work, with how the allopathic model sees patients, and it’s not good. Medical personnel are more concerned with the perception of their coworkers and medical hierarchy than with you. I got to the point of acknowledging that my degree means nothing in terms of true health. It is more of a measure of the attempt to indoctrinate me into a medical cog. For those unfamiliar, I encourage you to look at the work of author (and New Yorker!) John Taylor Gatto for his work on the sorry state that the educational system has become.

As part of my conventional medical work experience, I worked for an oncologist’s office not far from here. JUST LIKE the vaxx, chemotherapy damages DNA. All of the vaxx manufacturers in the covid game ALSO are involved in the manufacture of chemo drugs. This is not a coincidence.

At the oncologist’s office, I saw many people treated aggressively with chemo. I saw them become emaciated and look like walking corpses, and yet they STILL came in for their chemo treatments. The cancer industry is huge with far-reaching tentacles. I saw Pharmaceutical Representatives come in with their suitcases filled with gifts and food for the doctor, and sometimes the staff. Pharmaceutical Reps ingratiate themselves upon doctors so the doctor, in turn, will start prescribing that particular drug. And pretty soon, you see the doctor writing scripts with the pharmaceutical rep’s gifted pens and using their drug brand’s memo paper.

When a person goes to see a doctor, they typically think that the doctor is going to listen to them and prescribe a medication SPECIFIC for them. That’s not the case. Generally, doctors prescribe the same medications over and over for any patient with similar symptoms. They are NOT mentally going through a plethora of prescriptions and fine-tuning the one specific for the patient. This is NOT about individualized “care”. The priorities of medical doctors are the medical hierarchy where they work, and the seduction of pharmaceutical reps. Hospital employees serve the hospital, NOT the patient. The patient is more of a prop, usually a prop for the health insurance game.

I think that if you live life with any kind of integrity in this society, there will be losses and there will be a cost. The cost, for me, has been money, jobs, career—yes, but also my disillusionment that the health “care” is not really caring or good. But I wouldn’t trade my disillusionment in to be a part of a medical system of lies.

Matt has said a few times that when you are in the medical system, you are in mortal danger and I agree. Even though it is stated in the Patient’s Bill of Rights that you have the right to refuse treatment, medical personnel will often act like when you are in their workplace, you are almost in a hostage situation. If you don’t want to go along with their plans for YOUR BODY, their sensitive egos get bruised, and they can try their various intimidation tactics, including how they are the “expert” and you are a know-nothing patient. Regardless, there is only one owner of your body and it is YOU.

In upcoming presentations in this series, I hope to have told some personal experiences with the medical system as patients. I have also been a patient and would like to coordinate with anyone else who has some patient experiences they want to share.
Thank you.