September 13, 2023, Rochester, NY.  New York Attorney Bobbie Anne Flower Cox fought against FORCED QUARANTINE at the NYS Supreme Court Appellate Division in Rochester.

Our Lady Liberty, Bobbie Anne, had ALREADY won a battle against forced quarantine in a lower court in July 2022.  (The full Decision is attached at the end of this entry).   But overlord Attorney General Letitia James abruptly appealed, and the case was assigned to the Assistant Attorney General.

This is a LANDMARK case that isn’t receiving nearly enough mainstream media attention, and many Americans do not even know of its existence.  To synopsize, Bobbie Anne has taken this case pro bono to defend us against medical tyranny, under “Rule 2.13” (aka 10 NYCRR § 2.13, Isolation and Quarantine Procedures).

It CANNOT be overstated how colossally terrible Rule 2.13 would be if it were to become permanent.  It would allow for an individual to be QUARANTINED AGAINST THEIR WILL ON THE SUSPICION OF DISEASE and ALLOW FOR POLICE INVOLVEMENT in order to commit someone against their will.  Again, there need only be a SUSPICION of disease.  And, it is the Commissioner of Health, NOT a patient’s doctor, that would make this determination AND decide the terms of isolation, including its location and duration.

At Bobbie Anne’s September 13th Appearance, she followed the virtual word salad that opposing counsel subjected the courtroom to.  Right out of the gate, Bobbie Anne said that opposing counsel had gotten the proceeding off track, and she would put us back on track.  And then she proceeded to do just that.  She was poised, concise, prepared.  She said that Rule 2.13 would allow for Americans to be “locked up or locked down” on the suspicion of disease and that it violated our government’s separation of powers, which the lower court had already upheld.

Bobbie Anne presented her arguments in front of a 5-judge panel, 2 of which were appointed by Governor Hochul, who is a Defendant in this case.

When Bobbie Anne concluded her argument by saying “I REST ON MY BRIEF”, it was a microphone-pin-drop moment, followed by a thunderous standing Ovation inside the courtroom, which never happens in court, followed by resounding applause outside the courtroom.

The judges may not have decided this case, but the American Public, represented by our own Lady Liberty Lawyer, Bobbie Anne Cox, certainly has decided.  WE, the People of the United States of America, have decided that:

We should be GRANTED Freedom to live without medical tyranny, without the threat of loss of liberty at the health commissioner’s whim, and without the threat of forced quarantine.

Here is a Link to Bobbie Anne Cox’s website, where you can donate to support her pro bono efforts:

Here is a Link to the lower court’s case Decision, which ordered that Rule 2.13 was unenforceable as a matter of law:

Here’s a Link to a great Bobbie Anne Video Interview: