One change for the new year we can share now is that we are modifying our Covid protocols. We remain steadfast in our overall goal of protecting the health and safety of our community while remaining open for in-person learning. This past year we met that goal, keeping our school open and our positivity rate consistently below the city’s, with no evidence of in-school transmission.

As we remain responsive to DOH and CDC guidelines, next year, we will:

  • no longer require Covid vaccinations for scholars or weekly covid testing for unvaccinated
  • continue to require SA staff be up to date on their covid vaccines
  • no longer require scholars to be vaccinated to participate in clubs, except for competitive clubs with travel and participation to
  • certain external learning and college admissions and preparedness opportunities;
  • continue to encourage vaccination and maintain an ample supply of rapid tests at our schools
  • continue our hygiene, cleaning and positive case response protocols

Don’t forget about Summer learning, which will help our scholar stay sharp and prepared for next year. Check out our Summer with Success website, which contains everything scholars will need to complete their assignment
s – like assignment overviews, technology guides.