November 12, 2023. New York, NY.  Our Lady Liberty Lawyer, Bobbie Anne Flower Cox, gave an amazing Presentation at Medical Freedom Alliance on her case against the proposed “Quarantine Camp” legislation.  Since then, the NYS Supreme Court Appellate Division in Rochester has issued its ruling, and it is a ruling towards medical tyranny and FOR quarantining people against their will on the suspicion of disease.  But, Bobbie Anne has vowed to appeal this ruling.

Bobbie Anne presented at Medical Freedom Alliance BEFORE the ruling was submitted.  For those new to this case, in no small part because of the lack of mainstream media attention to it, this Quarantine case would essentially impose medical tyranny under “Rule 2.13” (aka 10 NYCRR § 2.13, Isolation and Quarantine Procedures).  It allows for an individual to be quarantined against their will on the SUSPICION OF DISEASE and allows for police involvement in order to commit someone against their will.  And, it is the Commissioner of Health, NOT a patient’s doctor, that would make this determination AND decide the terms of isolation, including its location and duration.   New York Governor Hochul is a defendant in this case and TWO of the judges at the NYS Supreme Court Appellate Division in Rochester were Governor Hochul appointees.  This looks like a clear conflict of interest, and a Motion to Recuse might be a good move if the next higher court ALSO has Governor Hochul’s appointees as judges.

During her Presentation, Bobbie Anne described the lunge towards medical tyranny that we are under.   Giving background, she said that in March 2020, Andrew Cuomo was given power by the Legislative to give “directives”.   And, for 1 year, Cuomo was essentially a monarch, issuing edicts. To circumvent the Separation of Powers, declarations of “Emergency” have been issued.

As a result, the American People have been held hostage to power grabs, power grabs from the governor, from the Department of Health, etc.  People are being primed to defer to whatever the governor says, whatever the Department of Health says.

However, laws are supposed to govern over regulations.  Rules are NOT supposed to conflict with laws.  Bobbie Anne said: “Our U.S. Constitution itself was written to keep the government in check, NOT the people in check”.

Notwithstanding, the 5 judges in the NYS Supreme Court Appellate Division in Rochester issued their medical tyranny ruling during the week preceding Thanksgiving, perhaps assuming that people may be too distracted to notice.

We noticed.  And we stand with Bobbie Anne, who is doing this case pro bono, without being paid.  She also has a Substack where people can subscribe to her newsletter for free.  That Link, as well as to her website and her other site to stop gerrymandering are Linked below.  Her Press Release about the Decision is also Linked below, as well as the MFA article “Bobbie Anne v. Goliath”.  The fight continues.

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BOBBIE ANNE v. Goliath – Medical Freedom Alliance (

Bobbie Anne’s Press Release about the Decision: